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If you know that the tablet got wet, or if you dropped it recently, then that makes a hardware issue seem more likely. If one or more of my tips have helped you, saved you time, or saved your skin, you can thank me by clicking the PayPal button to make a small contribution to this blog’s maintenance.

Simply hold the power button down until the window shows up showing the restart options. Should not that it was very shortly after installing Resharper that the problem occurred, having never experienced it before. In my VS2008, suddenly, I can use just letters, no enter, space, delete, backspace, or any other keys. Critical product support, upgrades, and alerts on topics such as safety issues or product recalls. We’re a friendly, industry-focused community of 1.20 million developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts learning and sharing knowledge. hi jaime34ma, please start a new thread and post your problems so that other posters can reply to it.

If it is still under warranty, then you should take it to an Apple Store if there’s one close to you. Unless you did something that voids the warranty, like open the tablet up to try and fix it yourself, then it probably will not cost you anything to get it repaired. If you buy one of these tools, then usually, you run it on your laptop or PC after attaching the iPad to it via a USB cable. Then, you follow the instructions to facilitate the repair. At this point, it would be worth it to consider looking into some third-party apps that are designed to fix iOS-related problems. There are a few different ones on the market that are worth investigating. If the hardware is the problem, then it’s more than likely you’ll need to take the iPad to an Apple Store with a Genius Bar to get it fixed, or a third-party entity that repairs iPads.

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I want to get pro advice on Mac apps and exclusive member offers. Truth is not every issue with your MacBook is a hardware problem. Sometimes software conflicts can arise and create irritating, persistent issues that you don’t know how to resolve.

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Tap on it and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your device. Hold down the Option key and you will see the Library folder in the Go dropdown menu.

Get the app installed on your computer, connect your iPhone to your computer and select your device in the app, click on the Summary tab and choose Restore iPhone. On your iPhone, open the Settings app and tap on General followed by Reset.

You should be prompted to enter your password; after you do, you’ll have the option to erase all data. Once it boots, you can check to see if the problem has been resolved. Press and hold the power off icon until you’re prompted about Safe Mode. You’ll want to enter the shut down screen on your phone first.

So instead of trying to figure out what’s going wrong with your Mac, get CleanMyMac X to do it for you. This simple reboot can take care of many of your Mac’s problems. It’ll reset some options like the time it takes for your MacBook to go to sleep when left idle, but it won’t change any truly important settings. While you’re at it, close the lid when you shut your laptop down as well.

  • The Wing can be configured to debug code launched on a remote host.
  • Running to a breakpoint is a great way to write a new code with direct access to the live runtime state.
  • You can search and replace code in a file, directory or all project files with functionalities like text matching, regular expressions or wildcard.
  • The Debugger is integrated with unit testing features to make the interactive development test-driven.
  • The Editor and Debugger work together to make the code intelligence features take advantage of the live runtime state.

For some reason many Mac users have reported this solves their MacBook trackpad not working issue. Naturally, Apple is working to fix the problem in upcoming models of MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, but if you’ve bought one in the last few years, unfortunately, those fixes aren’t going to help you. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity. If PaintTool SAI you have sufficient reputation, you may upvote the question. Alternatively, "star" it as a favourite and you will be notified of any new answers. If you have a different question, you can ask it by clicking Ask Question with a link to this question if it helps provide context. Hopefully one of these steps works for you; if not, feel free to reach out to a professional for assistance.

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